Cheers for being a wonderful Mom!
I’ve seen a lot of comments about how people condemn moms/single moms who post travel photos, splurge with clothes and enjoying a sumptuous meal. I don’t get it why you needed to bash them. First and foremost, It’s their money not yours! Again, it’s their hard earned money! And just because we have given birth and have obligations with our child/children, doesn’t mean we need to just stay at home and do the chores. It doesn’t mean we have to wear baggy clothes, It doesn’t mean we can’t put our makeup on. It doesn’t mean our life as a woman should just limit to doing things that society expects us.
We have carried our child for 9 months, we have issues with our self-esteem, we have sleepless nights yet we managed to give birth to a healthy child. The unconditional love that only a mother can give is always there. We struggle to smile even if it’s hard, especially when you raised a baby single-handedly. We cry in silent when nobody is looking. Yet, we wanted to give the best life for our child/children. We strive hard, we work our asses out while taking care of our child/children. We needed to survive in this kind of society where people always minds other people’s business.
when things are too much, heavy workloads, hectic schedules and our minds are
about to burst, we needed to let it out. Hence, we need to travel and unwind,
we need to pamper ourselves by splurging with nice clothes and sumptuous meals.
Once in a while, we needed a break. After all, we are humans, and not machines.
So, if you see a momma trying to relax and unwind, buying herself some pretty
clothes, putting her makeup on and treating herself with a nice meal, show your
thumbs up, instead of speaking ill of her. Be kind, remember, we all die.
Nothing is permanent in this world except change. Live your own life, stop
minding other people’s business. It’s their life.
To all my fellow momma.
Hey momma! Stop feeling guilty if you’re trying to buy pretty things for yourself, you deserve that for doing a good job being a momma. Never let other people destroys your inner peace. Let them be, at the end of the day, you know yourself better than them.
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